Ring ! Ring ! Ring ! Hasni calling, pick up the phone ! Sonic wandering in the Harajuku district of Tokyo searching for the lost records of Cheb Hasni. Featuring the most japanese algerian there is, Kader Japouni and the very best of rai. Artwork : @maitreselecto

Tracklist :
Kasumi Watanabe - さくら(Sakura) 25絃箏
Bellemou Messaoud - Adieu l’Amour
Kri Kri - Wahdi
Kader Japonais - Johri ma bra
Kader Japonais - Maghboune Alik Ntiya
Raina rai - Zhar
Cheb Khaled - El Arbi
Cheb Khaled - Braya
Cheb Hasni - Chira Ly Nabghiha
Cheb Hasni - Omri Omri
Cheb Hasni - Ya Walfi Ou Alach